怎么形容一个人长得丑:Look like the back end of a bus

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

今天我们要学习的是这个英文短语:Look like the back end of a bus 长相丑陋

让我们先来听一段BBC Standard English 的录音:

Hello, Feifei. Hi, Helen.


Getting ready for The English We Speak? Well, kind of.


Look at you - are you going somewhere special later? Yes, I am. As it happens, I'm going for an audition for a new TV programme.


What new programme is it? It's called The Analysis - it's all about current affairs and, you know, serious news items.

那个新节目是什么?节目叫做《The Analysis》,是一档有关时事的节目,你知道,是严肃的新闻节目。

Really, I would have thought you would be auditioning for a celebrity chat show. You're looking awfully glamorous for a news programme.


Well, you can't look like the back end of a bus when you go on TV, no matter what kind of TV programme it is. What? Back end of a bus? What's 'bus' got to do with TV?


Oh, you know what I mean. What do you see on the back of a bus? Er, a window and. . . er, exhaust pipes?


Not much to see, is there? No, who would want to look at the back end of a bus? It's so ugly.


Exactly. Nobody wants to look at the back end of a bus. If I looked like the back end of the bus, nobody would hire me in TV.


I get it. The phrase 'look like the back end of a bus' means looking ugly. You want to look your best - that's why you're wearing make-up and that beautiful dress.

我明白了。look like the back end of a bus这个短语的意思是看上去很丑。你希望展现你最好的一面,这就是你化妆又穿漂亮裙子的原因。

That's right. I can't believe what a vengeful person Mike is. We broke up last Friday.


It doesn't surprise me. I've never thought much of him! And he wrote to his friends that he dumped me because I look like the back end of a bus.


Oh, no! What a horrible thing to say! He should look in the mirror himself. So this expression, 'look like the back end of a bus' is not a very pretty thing to say to anyone.


It would really offend somebody. No, you should definitely not use it to describe what someone looks like.


Let's hope this new dress is worth the money I spent on it. See you later. Good luck!




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